Weather forecast for Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

today, Sunday 19.05.
18 °C
5 °C

hours of sunshine
8 h
risk of precipitation

morning 10%
afternoon 40%

zero degree level
3100 m

last update: 19.05.2024 01:06

During the Pentecost holidays, there will continue to be only slight differences in air pressure, which means that daily periodic effects will play a more important role. In particular, the sun should be able to break through better in the mornings. However, as the day progresses, cumulus clouds will increase, and isolated rain showers or even thunderstorms are possible. These are most likely to occur in the north, as slight southerly föhn effects in the inner Alps should reduce the risk of showers. Towards the middle of the week, the influence of low pressure will increase, resulting in dense clouds and more frequent downpours. Tuesday is expected to be particularly wet. In the second half of the week, the weather will remain unsettled, while the sun should reclaim more space in the sky. Therefore, the risk of rain showers will remain elevated.

Monday 20.05.
19 °C
6 °C
  • 7h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 20% morning
  • 40% afternoon
Tuesday 21.05.
13 °C
8 °C
  • 2h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 50% morning
  • 80% afternoon
Wednesday 22.05.
13 °C
8 °C
  • 3h hours of sunshine
  • risk of precipitation
  • 50% morning
  • 70% afternoon